狐假虎威用英语怎么说 狐假虎威用英语怎么说


”狐假虎威”用英语说是Borrowing power to do evil。狐假虎威是汉语成语,拼音为:hú jiǎ hǔ wēi,是先秦时代汉族寓言故事。假:借。狐狸借老虎之威吓退百兽。后以“狐假虎威”比喻仰仗或倚仗别人的权势来欺压、恐吓人。出自《战国策·楚策一》。

狐假虎威用英语怎么说 狐假虎威用英语怎么说









[词典] (比喻借别人的威势欺压人) the fox assuming the majesty of the tiger -- borrowing power to do evil; (like) a donkey [an ass] in a lion's hide; a fox masquerading as a tiger; assume someone else's authority as one's own;


This idiom means relying on another's power to bully or frighten others.


”狐假虎威”用英语说是Borrowing power to do evil。

狐假虎威是汉语成语,拼音为:hú jiǎ hǔ wēi,是先秦时代汉族寓言故事。假:借。


出自《战国策·楚策一》。 “狐假虎威”情感色彩是贬义,反义词:独步天下、独擅胜场;近义词:仗势欺人、狗仗人势、狐虎之威。

语法分析:“狐”是主语,“威”是谓语,“假虎”是“威”的状语。 扩展资料 出处简介: 《战国策》是中国古代的一部史学名著。



主要记述了战国时期的纵横家的政治主张和策略,展示了战国时代的历史特点和社会风貌,是研究战国历史的重要典籍。 参考资料来源:百度百科——狐假虎威。

4.狐假虎威的英语翻译 狐假虎威用英语怎么说

狐假虎威[hú jiǎ hǔ wēi]

(比喻借别人的威势欺压人) the fox assuming the majesty of the tiger -- borrowing power to do evil; (like) a donkey [an ass] in a lion's hide; a fox masquerading as a tiger; assume someone else's authority as one's own


狐假虎威:The story of borrowing power to do evil

A Tiger in Tow (狐假虎威)

A tiger was looking for food in a large forest when a fox ran by. The tiger sprang forward and caught it.

The fox was frightened, but it had an idea in a blink. "You dare not eat me." it said.

"Why?" the tiger asked.

"I was sent by God to rule all the animals. If you eat me, you're disobeying the God's order. Then you're not a good animal."

The tiger was silent, thinking whether it was true that the fox had been sent the god. Seeing the tiger still in doubt, the fox said seriously, " If you don't think what I said is true, I can take you to see all the animals. I'll walk in front and you follow me. Let's see if all of them are afraid of me."

So the fox led the tiger into the forest. It was true that all the animals, such as deer, sheep, rabbits and so on, ran away as soon as they saw them.

Thus the fox borrowed the tiger's terror and showed its authority before the animals. But tiger did not know that all the animals ran away only because they were afraid of itself.

The story tells us that there is always someone who tries to swagger about in borrowed plumes.


狐假虎威1. an ass in a lion's skin2. basking in reflected glory3. like a key in a lion' hide4. the fox and the tiger

1.the fox borrowing the awe of the tiger; an ass in the lion's skin

2.to browbeat others by virtue of one's powerful connections



The tiger seeks the various wild beast eating them up , grasps to one Charley. Charley says: "You do not dare have meal in me! That God dispatches the chieftain who comes to make the various wild beast me , you eat me up now, is the order going against God. You think that my words is not honest , I go on foot in your front , you follow behind me , watch the various wild beast to see that I have daring not to run away? The tiger thinks that Charley's words is reasonable, therefore walking right away together with it. Wild beast see them having run away. The tiger does not know the wild beast is to be afraid of self but run away , thinks that they are to be afraid of Charley.。